Thursday, January 30, 2014


 NAILS. finally found some time to do my nails and explore a little with the huge pile of nail polishes that my best friend left with me before going to the army.

These are the nail polishes I used for this one. To the very left is the base coat from The Faceshop. The two clear ones on the right are the quick dry top coat (left) from Revlon and the hardener from Sally Hansen. The rest in the middle, are the ones I used to actually "style" my nails. The one on the left is the Gem Crush "Razzle Dazzler" from Sally Hansen, and the one in the middle is "baby pink" from Forever 21, and the one on the right is "Time Square" from NYC. 

Left hand; baby pink + razzle dazzler

Right hand; time square (pink)

Just a simple nail post, hope you enjoyed it :)

S2, 1G.

Monday, January 27, 2014

CC Cream & Some Others

Nature Republic C.C. Cream
   For those of you who are Asian, you may have heard of the new "thang" going around called the C.C. Cream. I have heard of some customers joking around to themselves saying, "Is there like a D.D. Cream too?"
   The "C.C." stands for "Color Control" or "Color Correction." It is the new sensation amongst Korean women, and it's starting to spread slowly to the non-Korean women as well.
   If you're wondering what the difference between a B.B. Cream and a C.C. Cream is, I'll tell you right now.

-"Blemish Balm" : B.B. Creams have a gray undertone. As the day goes on, your face tends to have a more dark/grayish complexion.
-"Color Control" : C.C. Creams has more of a white undertone than a gray one, and it has the effect of sustaining the bright complexion.

   I have tried using The Faceshop's C.C. Cream because that's honestly all I had access to. However, it just didn't really do well for me. Some customers really love it though, they always come asking for the refills. Thanks to my friend Jane Kim, I was able to try out the Nature Republic's C.C. Cream that she bought when she visited Korea, and I really liked it! It fit me a lot better than the TFS one, and brought a smile to my face. My other friend Eunbi Ko was going to be visiting her family in Korea not long after I tried it, so I asked her for a huge favor and she brought me it. Thanks girls ! :)

The Faceshop Lip Products
Here I come with the lip stuff again. The product on the right has been featured already, in the last post. The one on the left, however, is a new item that came to the store just yesterday. I had to buy my mom an eyebrow pencil anyways, and ended up buying it because I liked it. It's a lip tint stick, and it has a similar "effect" as the Dior lip balm that I have. Either way, I AM HAPPY :D
The must-have Q-tips

THIS. is one of my MUST-HAVEs.
Q-TIPS. They are so necessary and important to have in my makeup bag AT ALL TIMES. They are amazing for fixing minor mistakes when drawing eyeliner, and when you want to fix your makeup during the day. There were a few instances where I forgot to take them with me, and I almost wanted to cry.

You should always carry these around too! They're so much help.

Clio Art Shadow


This has been an amazing item in my makeup bag. The top of it is white with pearls and the bottom of it is yellowish gold with pearls. I use them mainly to highlight beneath my eyebrows, and to highlight underneath my eyes. Most people seem to use eyeliners that are white with pearls to highlight underneath their eyes, but for some reason, I feel like using a shadow and a brush to do so is a lot more natural and prettier. It's a wonderful product :)

S2, 1G.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

New New New!

Most recent adds to my everyday makeup:

The Faceshop's Lipstick and gel eyeliner.

I debated for a long time whether I really wanted to buy them or not, because I felt like I have so much make up already and the 20% employee discount is pretty wack. Haha well I'm liking them lots so far.

Face It Artist Touch Lipstick Glossy OR202

The name of the color is Orange and the lipstick looks pretty orange, but it's a very pretty orangish pink color when applied. It's usually hard for me to find lipsticks that I like on me but I actually really like this one! That's probably why I couldn't resist...I was using the tester whenever I went to work to see whether I really want my own or not. I'm a happycamper :)

Face It Styling Auto Gel Liner EDGE BLACK

This eyeliner is a gel eyeliner in the form of an auto pencil form. It's a lot softer than a regular pencil eyeliner, and the color is a lot darker of a black than the black pencil liner I use. One thing I dislike is that because it is softer, it's kind of hard to sharpen it although it has a "sharpener" attached to the liner. If you like to draw your eyeliner really thin then this probably wouldn't work too well for you but I guess for me it works since my eyeliner turns out sorta thick anyways. This one comes in 3 different colors I believe, edge black, edge khaki, and edge gray. I really like all of the colors but I just went with the black.

YAY, I hope that was informative. :)

S2, 1G.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


eyelash extensions.
Every girl wants long eyelashes. :)

Here is an eyelash extension job I did on my friend Jihee Violet Moon.

Top left photo is the only before photo I have.

The rest of the photos are after photos, in different angles.

[Sizes of the lashes: 9, 10, 11.]

Contact me if interested !

S2, 1G

Saturday, January 11, 2014

New Additions :D

New Additions to my "Beauty Wardrobe"
HI! I'm back. I know it hasn't even been a couple of days since my last post, but I just wanted to share with ya`ll some new additions to my... let's just say "beauty wardrobe." I couldn't really find a better phrase for it. :P

1) Nu Skin: Epoch: Baobab Body Butter

Oh. My. Gosh. Used it for the second time today, that's how new it is. This Winter season definitely makes my body more dry than usual (although you can't really call this weather a Winter weather...), and this body butter seems to do wonders. It is very lightly scented so no strong scent even after putting it on all over your body. I think I'm going to REALLY like this new product I'm using!

2) Nu Skin: Ageloc: Dermatic Effects

This is a new body lotion that I'm using, and yes there is a difference between lotion and butter. The lotion is less dense, lighter, etc. I really like this new lotion too! My mom says it's a bit on the pricey side(the ageloc line is pricey overall but definitely worth it), but I love the smell of it to begin with. I can't even really describe what it smells like...but it's definitely a product I know for sure I will love.

3) The Faceshop: Herb Day: Cleansing Tissue

This cleansing tissue is something I purchased from work. Like the name of it, it's a cleansing tissue. Of course you need to be doing proper cleansing for your face, especially when you've worn makeup. However, there ARE times when you are just too exhausted, too lazy, etc., to go through the entire process of doing the 1st and 2nd steps of cleansing(I will post a separate post explaining the steps of cleansing) your face before going to bed. This is when the cleansing tissues come in. I'm not so sure about the other brands and whatnot, but this cleansing tissue has stuff on it that helps erase makeup off of your face. I don't use it everyday but I do use it when I am just way too tired or lazy to wash my face properly.

These are new additions and I love all of them. :D
Hope you enjoyed !

S2, 1G.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Christmas/Holiday spirited gel nails

Wow, these past few weeks have been CRAZY for me with work, church, and sickness. It's been quite a while since I last posted, and I really wanted to do a new post so here it is.

Gel nails. They're like the new thing these days, and I absolutely love getting my nails done in gel. However, it isn't the cheapest thing so I only get them done once in a long while.

I went to visit a good friend of mine, Ashley Yeseul Kim, in Rowland Heights about four weeks ago and we got our nails done together. This place was real cheap, I paid only $25 for "french" gel nails, and tipped them $5. The best thing about getting them done in the "french" style is the fact that even after your nails grow out, you can't even really tell unless you look at them close up. These pictures were taken right now but it's been 4 weeks since I got them done! Wowza, so very worth my 30 dollar investment in the spirit of Christmas and the Winter holidays. I am loving my nails very much and I've gotten quite a bit of compliments on them from customers while working. Pretty nails are a fantastic add to your everyday fashion! :)

I guess to conclude this post, two "tips," "pointers," or even "secrets" are given here:

1) "FRENCH" gel nails look great even after your nails grow out
2) Red and Gold make a great color scheme (one of my favorite combinations whether it's the holiday season or not!!!)

I hope you enjoyed this post! Thanks for reading ;)

S2, 1G.